East Valley Regional Steering Committee

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The East Valley Regional Steering Committee (EVRSC) is a committee of the San Bernardino County Interagency Council on Homelessness https://wp.sbcounty.gov/dbh/sbchp/ich/ and serves as a local extension of the San Bernardino Counties Homeless Provider Network. The goal of the Homeless Provider Network (HPN) is to advocate for the homeless, and those at-risk residing in the County of San Bernardino. The HPN provides a forum and environment where collaborative public and private programs can work to identified and fill gaps while improving the current delivery of services to this incredibly vulnerable population. Members of the HPN use innovative strategies and a wide range of expertise to address and prevent Homelessness on a county and local level. The EVRSC meets on the third Thursday of each month at 10:00 am in the Morongo Basin. Interested members from the public, private, and faith-based sectors are encouraged to get involved locally. How To Become A Partner

We are now meeting in person third Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Bob Burke Government Center, 1st Floor Conference Room 63665 29 Palms Highway, Joshua Tree, CA 92252

VA Help


Mental health

County Programs

Shelters & Housing

Domestic Violence

Legal Service


Laundry Facility

Health Care

Children/ Youth Services

Assistance Resources

Transitional Aged Youth

Useful Links

Pathways Network